Friday, September 13, 2024

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How to Attract the Best Overseas Job Candidates

Attracting the best overseas talent to your company can give you access to a wider, more diverse pool of candidates with specialised skills and experience. However, recruiting internationally comes with unique challenges that require thoughtful planning and strategy. Follow these tips to attract the most qualified international applicants for your open roles:

Define Your Employer Brand Globally

Your employer brand encompasses your company’s values, mission and reputation as an employer. A strong global employer brand demonstrates why talented individuals everywhere should want to work for you. Make sure your branding and messaging conveys a welcoming, inclusive environment for international recruits. Emphasise benefits like relocation assistance, visa sponsorship, language training, and policies supporting diversity. Share stories and videos highlighting your multicultural workforce. Promote your brand through global job boards, social media and employee networks.

Offer Competitive Salary Packages

Know what the market rate is for the roles you are recruiting for and offer competitive salaries. Research average salaries in your industry across different countries. Account for cost of living differences between locations. Offering below-market pay could discourage qualified talent from applying. You may need to pay above average to attract the most sought-after candidates. Also, emphasize other financial incentives like signing bonuses, stock options, healthcare, retirement contributions, and bonuses. Platforms like VectorVest provide insights into financial strategies, including the nuances of stock options and their implications for compensation packages, helping employers navigate competitive salary offerings effectively.

Streamline the Application Process

Simplify and standardise your application process to make it easy for overseas candidates. Use an applicant tracking system that allows CV uploading versus manual entry. Provide language support or translation services if needed. Make your online application mobile-friendly and compatible across different devices. Reduce repetition by allowing candidates to save progress. Clearly explain required candidate paperwork like visas, work permits and background checks. Automate reminders about outstanding items.

Promote Your Location

Highlight the attractiveness of your company’s location in your recruitment marketing. For UK-based companies, emphasise benefits like world-class universities and research institutes, international travel hub, diverse culture and language, acclaimed arts and music scene, historic sites, national healthcare, and vibrant nightlife. Create videos showcasing your town or city from an newcomer’s perspective. Share testimonials from existing international recruits who love living there.

Offer Relocation Assistance

Offer generous relocation packages including flight reimbursement, temporary housing, shipment of household goods, cultural training, language courses, and school/childcare assistance. Consider providing an on-site relocation coordinator or work with relocations companies to help new hires transition smoothly. Relocation management companies like Relocate Sure UK – Making Your Move to the UK Simple, can find suitable properties and schools, and take care of all the administrative tasts. Have resources like neighbourhood guides to help expats settle in. Connect new recruits with peer mentors or networking groups of fellow expats. Providing robust relocation support removes a major barrier to overseas applicants.

Build Talent Pools Abroad

Establish relationships with universities, trade schools and professional organisations in your priority recruit countries. Attend career fairs, host student competitions and offer internships to build your brand. Develop contacts through international chapters of professional associations and alumni networks. Partner with language schools, cultural organisations and expat groups – their members are already interested in relocating. Maintain an international talent database you can contact about future openings.

There are tremendous opportunities available in the global labour market today. Following these best practices will enable your company to effectively source and hire the most talented overseas candidates for high-demand roles. With strategic planning, investment and cultural understanding, you can build a truly multinational workforce equipped to succeed in our interconnected world.

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