Thursday, September 12, 2024

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Coping with a Burglary – What Happens Next?

If your house has been burgled, not only has your personal space been violated, but you are also likely to feel a loss of security and control. Recovering from a burglary takes time, but there are some practical steps you can take to start getting your life back on track.

Reporting to the Police

The first thing you should do after discovering a burglary is call the police. Ring 999 if the burglars are still on the premises, or 101 to report the crime afterwards. An officer will come and examine the property, take statements, check for fingerprints and DNA evidence, and begin an investigation. Make sure you provide as many details as possible about any missing items and damage caused during the break-in. 

Give the police your contact information so they can update you on the case. Be aware that only two out of 10 burglaries are solved. However, reporting is still vital for insurance claims and crime statistics.

Securing Your Home

After the police have finished, it’s time to secure your home, so call a 24 hour Cardiff locksmith like Curley Locks. A Cardiff locksmith can replace any locks that the burglars could have accessed. Ask the police to check for key safes and hidden spare keys which could still be on the property. Install an alarm system, exterior lighting and CCTV cameras if you don’t already have them. Keep windows and doors locked at all times. These measures help prevent repeat victimisation.

Insurance Claims

Notify your home insurer of the burglary as soon as you can. List all the stolen items you can recall, even those you might not have receipts for. If you have a home inventory, submit this too – room-by-room lists with photos, receipts and serial numbers prove very valuable during claims. Insurers will usually get a loss adjustor to visit and assess the property damage. 

While insurance should cover most standard items, be aware of policy limits on things like jewellery, watches and cash. Claims generally must be reported in a set timeframe so check your policy terms. Submit your claim promptly and stay in touch with your insurer throughout the process. Most will make arrangements to change locks, board up damage and make emergency repairs.

Coping Emotionally

Recovering emotionally from a burglary often takes much longer than the practical aftermath. Feeling violated, anxious and unable to relax in your own home are common reactions. Don’t bottle up your feelings – turn to loved ones for support. Victim support charities like Victim Support can provide counselling and advice. Joining a local Neighbourhood Watch adds an extra community layer of support and security.

While it takes time, most burglary victims do recover and resume normal home life again. Practical steps like security upgrades and vigilance help restore a sense of safety. Cherished stolen items can often be replaced. Try not to let the experience dominate your outlook or overwhelm you. With resilience, patience and support, you can regain control and move forward positively.

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