Thursday, September 12, 2024

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What To Expect From A Lip Filler Procedure

Nature doesn’t always give us exactly what we want when it comes to our bodies and our appearance. It’s a common fact that people with straight hair want it to be curly, and people with curly hair want it to be straight, resulting in a lot of busy hair salons! Thanks to advances in modern medical science, we can now do more than just change the appearance of our hair, certain parts of the body can also be altered to match our wishes!

One of the most popular of these appearance-altering cosmetic procedures are lip filler injections that can make a person’s thin lips much fuller! If you are someone who isn’t satisfied with the appearance of their thin lips and wishes they were more sensuous and full, then you might be interested in how the procedure works!

First, your clinician needs to evaluate your general health, taking into account any possible risk factors like prescription or over-the-counter medications you are using, herbal supplements included, as well as any pre-existing health conditions like allergies. If you are cleared as safe to proceed, your clinician will measure the shape of your face and take photographs of it in its current state to keep in your medical records.

It’s vital to have a firm idea of your expectations and how you will actually look after the lip filler procedure. Today’s clinics can alter your photo to show you a close approximation of the outcome, and can even make changes to it as you request! Bear in mind that the map is not the territory, and no amount of skill can make you look exactly how you want if your expectations are set too high! The procedure is very effective, but alas, nothing is perfect! Hopefully, you will feel pleased and satisfied with the results, that is everyone’s goal!

So, what will happen during your lip filler procedure? First, your clinician will apply a topical anaesthetic that will numb your lips so you won’t feel any pain, making the process as comfortable as possible. After around 20 minutes your lips should be nice and numb. If you happen to be allergic to the anaesthetic, your clinician can give you a nerve block injection to keep your lips numb. 

Your clinician will then inject lip filler into the targeted areas of your lips with a thin needle. This might include the edges of your lips, which is called the vermilion border, the curve in the centre of your upper lip which is called the Cupid’s bow) and the corners of your mouth, also known as oral commissures. -Your clinician may use those terms, now you will know what they mean, too! 

There will be no pain, just a light pinching sensation that may make your eyes water, a harmless natural side effect. Depending on how much work needs to be done, the procedure could last as few as thirty minutes or as long as two hours. Your clinician will apply an ice pack to your lips during the procedure in order to decrease any possible bruising and swelling.

When you are all done, you can take your new full, luscious lips and go find someone to kiss to test them out!

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